
Saturday, June 21, 2008

We're Having a Summer Sale!

I belong to a fantastic street team on ETSY called LEST which stands for LampworkEtc Street Team. Those of us on the team melt glass and have a passion for that process. We also all sell our products on ETSY. We are all Self Representing Artists. What that means is that we make our own beads and stand by their quality. We make each piece of glass individually. We do not mass produce. My SRA number is H99. As a member of LEST, we participate in many ways. This week we are having a start of summer sale. In each cooperating store, we have marked down some or all of our goods by 10 -20%. Take a look at our stores. Here's a mini version of mine. Click on any bead and it will take you there.
Buy Handmade

Visit our LEST homepage at:
We are just starting our July challenge. Come and see all the beads. It's a great sale, too.
Use the search engine on ETSY and plug lest sale into it. You will see many great works of art that are on sale.

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Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!