
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Name That Bead!

One of the hardest things, I think, about lampworking, is naming your beads and sets. Of course, it is challenging to make a good bead. It is challenging to design that bead. It is challenging to shape a good bead, but, for me, the most challenging aspect of making beads is naming them. There are other things I would rather do than name my beads. Eating raw liver and onions comes to mind. Eating cooked liver and onions is a very close second to that. I think it's hard to find the right name for a bead or set that will attract a buyer. Sometimes, the name of your bead brings visitors to your etsy store, ebay, or website. I've talked with other beadmakers about this issue. I have found that some of them use actual names of people they know. One artist has used the last name of someone of Asian ancestry to name a bead. One artist I know uses tribal words to name her beads. Another aritst seeks names of sets that have been sold in the past and adjusts them to fit her beads and sets. Some artists use music to help name their beads. For example, one person made a creature out of purple glass and named it the Flying Purple People Eater. I thought that was clever. Some days I just sit and look at my beads and sets before I put them in my ETSY store. I sit and look and think, repeat, repeat, repeat. All the bead names I choose are the best that I can do. Clearly, some are better than others. I have found when the name is interesting, the items I list get many more views and seem to sell rather quickly. Last night, I listed this set of discs. I had planned to name them Funky, Wonky Disc Set 2, but I was talking to a friend who suggested that I call them Amazon Wild Fire. I had 33 views within a 15 minute period of time. These discs sold within an hour. I know that the name is what attracted people to these beads.

Then there was this long heart that I made. It's been in my ETSY store for a while. I'm working on finding a new name for this bead. I think I need to develop some renewed interest in it. I call it Pencil Stick Heart. The stem of the heart reminds me of a pencil stick. Perhaps the name reminds people of school, and, with it being summer, no one is ready for that yet! I'm working on it. We shall see.

I think this thimble needs a new name. Right now it's called Purple Handmade Lampwork Glass Thimble. Hmmmmmmmm. Doesn't sound too exciting, does it? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I am name challenged when it comes to naming my beads and sets. I only wish I had more imagination. Some of the names I've seen out there are names like; Misty Waterfall, Mystic, Shampoo and Conditioner. Oooooops, that last name is on my shopping list for Wal-mart. Sorry about that, but, maybe, who knows! Perhaps it can be made to sound more exotic. Let me think. How about this, Champu and Suavizante. That's the spanish translation for those words. Perhaps that might work. I think I'm going to rename my blue heart: To the Point. That seems to be much more interesting than Pencil Stick Heart. Let me know what you think. Now, for the thimble. I don't know.


  1. I'm so with you on names!

    I struggle - but often get influenced by family history. My Papa's name was "Eduardo Angelo Guiseppe Carmello" - the English translation is Edward Andrew Joseph Carmen ....I quickly figured which was more exotic & appealing to both the eye & ear.

    I adore the flow of tribal & exotic place names - they often sound softer than their english counterparts, although song titles sometimes pop into mind as well (I usually tend to twist those a bit though).
    Look at a bead - is it soft & = a "flowing soft name" . Bright, funky with angles & an 'edge' = "a shorter more susinct name".

    The thimble is easy - my first thought was
    "Primaveral Violetta".....

  2. Mallory - I am name challenged too. I think I've listed 2 beads total that had interesting names. All my titles are just what the beads are. That's all I can do. Luckily, my style lends itself to a little bit more scientific straightforward titles, so maybe I'll just leave them as they are...

  3. Mallory,
    I'm a big fan of naming beads. You can have contests for your customers, or one of the things I tend to do, is keep a sheet of paper, with names and words that I like. Then when you're at a loss, just pull it out!

    I enjoy your blog!


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