
Friday, September 5, 2008

Here's What I Made for Supper Tonight!

I made some Italian Bean Soup. The history of this soup dates back about 10 years, or so. Maybe more "or so" than anything else. My husband and I had been to an Italian restaurant in the Twin Cities that served a wonderful bean soup. He asked me if I could make it. I tried to remember all the flavors, and I went to the store. We had a friend over for dinner, and, between the 3 of us, managed to consume the entire pot of soup, and it wasn't a small pot of soup! This soup, although, not necessarily authentic, has been a favorite. Since today was the first real hint of autumn day, when the air was cool and the sun didn't shine, I decided to make my world famous Italian Bean Soup for supper. Now, here's how I made it. I'll just show you the picture. These are all the ingredients that you'll need, except for the onion. You need a little bit of onion to brown with the Italian Sausage. Ooooops! I just realized that I didn't get a picture of the Italian Sausage either. Okay, that's all right. Just remember that you need an onion and a pound of Italian Sausage to start the soup. Brown your sausage, and drain the grease. Add the onion and brown it slowly. Then you add these ingredients.

As far as the Italian Seasoning goes, I used about half a bottle. Yes, I said a half a bottle. That is correct I also added just a bit of salt and pepper. Use your judgment on how much you want to add.

I cooked everything on low for about an hour. I let the soup sit for about 2 hours to help bring out all the flavors. The left overs I have will taste much better tomorrow. After the 2 hours of just sitting, I measured out about 1 cup of soup, and I had a wonderful supper. A slice of crusty bread is one of the greatest accompaniments to this delicious and easy soup. Here's the final result! It was so good!

This soup is also great made in a crock pot. Take it to a pot luck. You will be very much appreciated there. I only wish you could taste this soup. I know you'd like it, too!


  1. Okay, so here's where I have to admit I hate beans, never could like them. So, this is a big compliment, my dear, when I say I'd love a bowl of that soup and some crusty bread-- I'd pick the beans out if possible and savor the broth, but I'd like it :)

  2. Ang, feel free to pick out the beans! I almost wrote beads. That seems to come naturally. I absolutely love this soup, but then, I love beads and beans, too! Later on, I want to post the recipe for a 5 ingredient dinner that made me love saurkraut. I never thought I'd go near the stuff. I'm glad you like the soup.

  3. The soup looks & sounds delicious Mallory!
    Just as well I have just had dinner - or I'd be reaching for something (undoubtedly unhealthy)to snack on.

    Darn this dieting thing!

  4. Mallory, I can almost smell that soup!!! It looks great, and is actually pretty easy to make. Nice!!!


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