
Friday, October 24, 2008

Freaky Friday Challenge - on a New Zealand Saturday!

At last, the time has come to show what we've done with this week's challenge: Sculptural Flowers. We didn't work with tutorials this time. Although we didn't grow them, we are now going to show them! I'm a poet, and I don't know it! Here are the results of my efforts. Although these aren't perfect, I don't think they're too bad. I made the first flower with clear and melted frit. The second flower is made with a color I had forgotten I had, and I had forgotten how much I liked it--transparent striking red! I fell in love with that color again! The last flower is made with yellow covered with transparent clear. I like these colors, too, but that red is my favorite!

I made these flowers first. I used a base of white with transparent purple on top. They weren't bad for some of my first ones.

This sculpted flower was my least successful one. Yikes! I think I need more practice using individual petals. That's all I will sat, "Yikes!"

This was my last sculpted flower. I think it's my best. I like it. Not only that, it's pink! I like pink, too!

Okay, Deb, what's the next challenge? Let me know.


  1. I think your flowers turned out great! And I could see the changes and improvement as you went. Good for you!

    You've been tagged. Please visit my blog for details.

  2. Way nice flowers Mallory! Working on a tutorial and how'd you'd do that newsletter thingy?

  3. What fun flowers! How do I get in on yours and Deb's challenges? Want another player?

  4. Wow.

    Glass beads are on my List of Things to Learn (along with about everything else in the world) but man, I don't know if I'll ever be that good...

  5. Mallory, No wonder you love that striking red, it's so . . . striking!!!

  6. Way to go with the flowers, Mallory! I love the texture/veins in the petals of the pink one!

  7. Mallory - your flowers are fabulous!

    Mine seem to come under the "Must try harder" umbrella ;o)

    This weeks challenge is up on my blog - we already have one possible other contender!


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