
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ten More Shopping Days Left! Be sure to visit Studio Marcy on Etsy.

The Etsy store we are going to shop, and I do mean shop until we drop, is that of Studio Marcy. How I would love to walk through Marcy's brain and see all that she sees through her eyes. If you have ever visited her store, you note the ever present joy of the beads in her store. Marcy is well known for her sculptural abilities in the beads she makes. Let's take a look at some of her outstanding work.

I'd like you to meet Sanderson the Pound Puppy. Isn't he adorable? This is an excellent example of Marcy's sculptural work. She's good, isn't she? And I do love this little guy.

Now, doesn't this look good enough to eat? I'm hungry. I love the chocolate with the peppermint twist on top. Nummy and zero calories.

Now, isn't this a great little sea horse? Her name is Olivia. Can't you just see her swimming the ocean of your love? Amazing!

And, last but not least, Love Your Mother Lampwork Bead. Great, isn't it?

This has been a quick tour of Marcy's store. I urge you to take a longer tour. You won't regret it.


  1. Mallory, you are so dear to write that about me. Thank you so much.

    I think being very shy as a child who lived some of her imaginative life through all the books she read, possibly gave me some of my whimsy as an adult. And enjoying people's smiles and laughter provides the impetus to make the beads that swim in my head.

    Happy Wednesday to you,

  2. Mallory, you picked a great person to feature! Marcy's whimsical world of glass is enchanting :)

  3. She has some amazing talent! :)

  4. Want one of everything in Marcy's shop!

    Marcy makes the cutest beads and is as sweet as can be as well. Love the thought from Angelina: Marcy's Whimsical World of Glass


Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!