
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Anyone Else Have Your Challenge Photos?

I have two entries for this challenge! Does anyone else have any to send me? Remember, it doesn't have to be glass to be entered. Send me a convo on etsy with your pictures, or I'll convo you back and I'll send you my email address. You can do whatever you feel is best.

Now, I have some more inspiration photos. Guess where I found these?

They were in my kitchen cupboard! These are plates I use in the summer when we eat outside. What do you think?

So, which one is your favorite? Can you use it in a work of art? Let me know. I'm taking these down to my work area. I want to see what will come of these plates.


  1. WOW - Bright & funky! Now that could be a fun pattern to practise my stringer control with!

  2. Oops, I never did make something pink-- but the lava lamp picture is definitely filed in my brain and will percolate to the top sometime when I'm not expecting it :) That's what's so nice about you doing these challenges-- every little bit of inspiration finds a home!

    I love your plates-- party and picnic and bold color, all in one spot!


Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!