
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Need Your Help!

As some of you know, I am taking an online class about Finding Your Voice As a Glass Bead Maker. Our teacher, Sylvie Lansdowne, gives us an assignment each week to help us develop our creativity and expression in our beads.
This week's assignment has me stumped.
I have completed the first part of the assignment which was to take photos of our environment. Well, in Minnesota, at this time of year, there really isn't much to see except for a lot of snow. That's true this year. It's also very cold. I didn't spend a lot of time outside because of the cold. I snapped these photos very quickly and went inside.
Well, that's beside the point.
Now, I'm really stuck. My creative voice is just saying, "It's too cold." So, now I have to choose a photo and make a bead.
Here are the photos I took.
Which one do you think would make a nice bead?
Maybe this is cheating a little bit,
but I'm really stuck.
I think my brain is stuck in the cold.
Make a suggestion, please.


  1. It's a tough assignment, isn't it? I have the same snow problem here too!

    I would like to see what you can do with the Fence at Night photo.


  2. I'm seeing lots of cool stringer patterns-- the white fence at night, the turtle shell's compartments. I also love the picture of the flag on the mailbox-- bright red splash of color on a black background, that's stunning!

  3. Well, I love the turtle and it seems a lot could be done with it for a glass bead (but what do I know?)

    Do you think maybe the teacher meant to use this theme a different way though? Like shapes formed by frost on leaves or shapes formed by shadows on the snow, etc? I'm wondering if you put the camera on macro and went out looking for cool closeup patterns if you might not get more inspiration?

  4. I find it interesting how the mailbox photos and the night scene have so much in common. White lines, black, and just a touch of red. Thinking you have to go with one of those.

  5. Mallory you've done better than me! I was out this morning but couldn't even brave getting out of the car to take some pictures.

    I dare you to make a solar talking turtle bead!! :D

    I wonder if it's cheating taking pictures through the window??

  6. Mallory, I guess my thinking is along the lines of the others, go with something in stark black and white, or black, white and red, or just black and red. Probably need the white in there due to all the darned snow!!!

  7. Hi Mallory, I think if it was me, I'd go with the snow! I'd probably make a white snowflake, and surround it with clear glass like ice. That would be pretty, look cold, and definately be what you see outside. Just a thought. Hugs, Carol Jean


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