
Friday, March 6, 2009

Raku, My New Love

I've had my raku rods since early in my lampworking experiences.
Like, so many others, I struggled to get the colors to
I still remember the very first time the colors
for me.
I nearly cried. The colors were so beautiful.
After that, the results were still, very much, hit and miss.
Truthfully, it was more miss than hit.
I've recently added a second oxygen concentrator to my torch set up.
I've also received some advice from a torching friend on how to work raku.
Between the two of these events,
something happened.
Take a look at this!
It's raku, my new love!
Don't you just love happy endings?

1 comment:

  1. I love Raku too Mallory and have had more success since switching from my hh. It's still a bit elusive though, but when those colours come - WOW!!!
    Your raku beads are lovely! :D


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