
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Beads of Courage

Some of you who know me, know that I begin each torch session by making two purple hearts and two butterflies for Beads of Courage. I'm very pleased to say that this week, I will be sending in to Beads of Courage: 160 Purple Hearts and 153 Butterflies. The purple hearts go to the children who have finished their treatments. The butterflies are given to parents who have lost a child. Here is a video I found on UTube that shows how the beads are used. Get out the kleenex. You are probably going to need more than one when you see the courage of these children.


  1. Oh Mallory! I haven't watched the video yet because I know I will be crying. You are so wonderful and a role-model for all of us who need to participate more fully in this wonderful project for the kids.

  2. Hello,

    Wow, you are doing such beautiful work.

    We live in New Zealand and participate in the Beads of Courage programme. So just wanted to share.

    Here is a link and if you scroll down, you will see a photo of Bianca with all her beads:

    And here Bianca is talking about her beads:

    Kind regards

    Lea White

  3. WOW! Thank you so much for your time, energy and dedication to Beads of Courage! As a pediatric nurse, I have seen first hand the joy and hope the beads give to the children. As a member of the Board of Directors for Beads of Courage, Thank you for your support!
    The children we serve appreciate your Act of Kindness!
    Colin Smith, RN Beads of Courage, Inc.


Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!