
Thursday, April 2, 2009

How often do you floss?

Everytime I go to the dentist, the hygienist asks me, "How often do you floss?" Of course, I lie, and I say, "Everyday, at least once a day." Of course, she doesn't believe me.

Now, I'm asking you, "How often do you floss?"
Now, I'll bet you are looking at this photo and thinking that maybe you should floss more often.
Well, you probably should, but this photo has nothing to do with flossing your teeth. It's a picture of sea monkeys, a very popular child's toy.

On the website, Mental floss, "Where knowledge junkies get their fix," you can find a myriad of answers to many questions. This article, where the sea monkeys are featured, is called, "The Quick 10: How ten classic toys were Invented." In it, you learn about, sea monkeys, of course, and Lincoln Logs, Hula Hoops, Play-Doh, Slinkies, and other popular toys, and the history of how these toys were invented. It's really interesting!
You'll want to think twice about sea monkeys when you learn why they are so active. (Those naughty little critters!)

Other questions are asked an answered.
Why does everything taste bad after you brush your teeth?
Can men breastfeed?

There are quizzes and trivia, too. I love this site! It's my kind of reading. I am entertained, and I don't have to think. I love it!

Oh, you might even find a question on flossing your teeth daily. Remember, you do need to floss your teeth daily. Take it from a big, fat liar to the dental hygienist.


  1. Ohhh - lol. I wonder what those rascally little sea monkeys are doing......

    You know every time I hear the word invention these days I think of watching Billy Connelly when he spoke of wondering what the first person to milk a cow (or whatever animal it was) was thinking....."Now what will happen if I pull on those?...." - nuff said

  2. I'm pouting now. I always, always wanted to send away those mail order coupons for a batch of sea monkeys but never got to do it. I'm gonna go read about 'em now, maybe it'll make me feel glad I missed out :) Lincoln Logs were some of my favorites until we discovered Tinker, talk about a difference. Then when Legos hit the scene, there was no comparison.
    Thanks for the Mental Floss, Mallory!

  3. That's a fun post Mallory - especially as a mother who's soon to be 25 year old daughter often has sea monkees at her house!

  4. You got me with the floss question and the picture! Hate when asked that question at the dentist and I'll admit to lying on occasion.

    I still have a Hula Hoop and should use it more. LOVED Play Dough. Need to go check out that site. You find the bestest places to visit.


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