
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Won't Spring EVER Arrive!

I've been waiting so long! I went out and bought my plants last week. When Nick came home, we went to Sam's Club and bought 100 pounds of soil.

I had already bought my garden table there, and since then I've been waiting and waiting and waiting. Well, you get the picture.

So, with Nick home and ready to pick up those 50 pound sacks of dirt for me, I put the base of my garden table down and filled it with sand.

I wasn't sure how much sand it would need, so I just kept adding sand to the opening where the red cover is located. I added sand until the base felt heavy.

Now, Nick sure helped me when it came to adding the soil for the plants. We put the vines in the holes, and we actually were able to drill two other holes at the bottom of the table for plants. Can you see the tomatoes and the cucumber vines? Behind the center leg is the zucchini plant.
Nick added the dirt. He emptied a 50 pound bag into that table. I honestly didn't think it would hold that much, but it did! We added the herbs on top. I also put in an extra pepper plant on the top.

Then, I read the forcast for that night. There was an expected LOW of 37 degrees. Next step, cover up all that hard work.

I'm happy to say that it didn't get as cold as predicted. It was only 39! Needless to say, the plants all survived, but they did get a little bit cold when I uncovered them this morning. I let them bask in the sun. Tonight, the predicted low will only be 49, I think my garden will be fun. More updates to follow as the season of spring progresses, if it ever really arrives!


  1. What a cool idea that table is Mallory!
    When you said garden table it was not what I was imagining though - lol!

    Now that sunshine looks pretty Springified to me!

  2. So, have you done the upside down plants before? You know I'm not a green thumb, so I have to ask these questions. The table looks like a great use of space. Here's hoping for no more chilly nights, so you don't have to worry about covering up the plants.

  3. Ang, no, I haven't tried the upside down plants before. I'm only a fair weather gardener, if you know what I mean. I am really anxious to see what happens with the table. It's just another one of my experiments.

    Deb, Spring is almost here. The temperatures fluctuate so much this time of year. I just hope that the warm lasts.

  4. My thoughts exactly, bring on springtime...plants are a great break from beads, lol. :)



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