
Monday, July 13, 2009

Art Bead Scene's Monthly Challenge - Cave Paintings

I don't participate in every monthly challenge from the Art Bead Scene Blog. (The link will take you to the monthly challenge.)

This month's (July) challenge is the Lascaux Cave Paintings. The goal is to use an art bead made either by yourself or someone else and turn the item into a finished product. Now, I think my entry will qualify. I made a bead then turned the bead into a bracelet by adding one of my viking knit chains. A random drawing is made at the end of July and a winner is selected. There are prizes. Woooohoooo! So, ta-da! Here's my entry. What do you think?


  1. I think it's a lovely entry! I like how all the colors get accented by the bits of black. Nice bracelet, hope you win!

  2. Mallory - this is one fabulous bead & a beautiful finished piece.
    I think you have captured the essence of the challenge perfectly!

  3. Wow, Mallory...I'm so impressed! I think your entry for this month's challenge is perfect. And all handmade by YOU..even better. The viking knit is a mystery to me. I love how you added it to your lampwork beads. You've got some really pretty beads on Etsy, btw. :-)


Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!