
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday, Nick!

I don't know how this happened. My baby, who yesterday was still a baby, turns 30 today!

Happy Birthday, Nick!

Now, for the memories.

I remember the little boy, who when we lived in Chicago, came running into the house yelling, "Mom! Mom! I'm rich! I'm rich!" Why was he rich? He found this.
Yes, he was rich! Me, too! He shared his riches with me!

This is my little boy who called me into his room, after we had moved into our new house saying, "Mom, come and see! I have the prettiest look!"

Just a few more memories.

Nick was in the newspaper. He was eating a hot dog at a local festival when he was a sweet, cute little boy.

Of course, now that he's grown up, there are even better photos to share!

One of my favorites! Nick, the die hard Cubs fan!
Happy Birthday, Nick!


  1. He has a smile that warms your heart Happy Birthday Nick!!

  2. Happy birthday Nick! You sure make your mama proud!

  3. Happy Birthday, Nick! May you have many more decades filled with love and happiness and funny basketball uniforms :)

  4. I hope your son has a wonderful 30th birthday...that 30th birthday sure sneaks up on us quick!

  5. Happy Birthday Nick.

    Keep on keeping that Mom of your in line - & of course sharing the audio from concerts with her.

    Us oldies need to live vicariously.....


Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!