
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What a Difference a Week Makes!

She's my dog now! Take a look at my girl now! She's feeling better now. I think the thyroid medicine is kicking in! She's feeling more comfortable with me. She's starting to enjoy her walks. She loves to charm the people she meets. She's learned "Stay," "Go," and "Pixie, you are a naughty girl!" She seems to laugh when I say that! She loves her bed!

Pixie found the couch!

Pixie likes to be warm!

Pixie's nose is cold!

Look at my girl run! Isn't she beautiful!


  1. I just want to give her a BIG hug!

  2. What a charmer! I love that she hugs her comforter! :)

  3. Mallory, I am sooo so happy you have a new baby! They make life so interesting and fresh! Good luck to you and Pixie!

  4. So glad you covered her skinny little behind...hopefully by now she is growing some hair back there. I know you are giving her lots of love.


Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!