
Friday, December 11, 2009

Special Needs and other beads

When I feel the need to improve my lampworking skills, I challenge myself with sculptural beads. This challenge gives me a much greater appreciation for lampwork artists, who, on a regular basis, make sculptural beads. Some of these artists include, Lauren of MayBeads on Etsy, Paula of PaulaNC on Etsy, and Marcy of Studio Marcy on Etsy, too.

This week, I am working sculpturally to challenge myself. As a result, I have come to appreciate the need for attention to detail and preparation. (I have forgotten the twisties and stringers that need to be pulled ahead of time.) I have also come to appreciate the need for a good shape so that the form of the bead resembles the animal, food, tree, item, etc. that I am attempting to make into glass.

These first 3 beads are my "special needs" beads. From top to bottom, there is the critter who is not sure of what he is. I was trying for a hippo, but I think his parentage is in question. He seems to be a combination of a hippo and a pig. I apologize to both types of animal. The next animal is supposed to be an owl, but it reminds me of a vulture getting ready to fly. Last, but not least, is my true special needs critter. This little seal has one flipper bigger than the other, and the larger flipper is malformed. I am hoping that the children in the Beads of Courage program will enjoy these little special needs critters.

Here are my successes for the day. I think you'll recognize the blue bird, the turtle, and my absolute favorite, the little hedgehog. I was thinking of getting Pixie a real hedgehog for Xmas, but, in reality, I think she'll have to settle for the little bead.


  1. I think your special needs beads are adorable! They have character! You're doing a great job. I can't imagine how much practice it takes to create lampwork critter.

  2. Mallory - they're wonderful! The hedgehog is my fave, too! But the "special needs" beads have a lot of character and I know the kids who receive them will love them. My kids have a whole collection of smooshed, lopsided beads that they cherish (kids are less picky than us). You crack me up with your descriptions of the part-pig, part hippo bead. I have lots of cat-dogs. :) I think you're doing an awesome job. The thing I like about critters is that they don't have to be perfect or even on both sides necessarily. It all adds character to the little characters.

  3. CUUUUUTE! I doubt I will EVER be able to do figural beads -- I can hardly keep a round bead from dripping off the mandrel!

  4. They make me smile and I can recognise them ... good work, keep going on and have a lot of fun.
    ♥ Manuela

  5. Hi Rosebud,
    I just discovered you on Coleens blog, SJTS! I went to your etsy shop and wow oh wow, you have the coolest beads. I am crazy over the 'bakers dozen' wonky beads, they are fabulously crazy and colorful.

    Both your 'boys' are adorable too!!

    Nice to meet you,

  6. Sandy, glad to meet you too! Thanks for your kind words and come back any time.


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