
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Shameless Self Promotion SaturDay!

Did you know I carry lampworking supplies in my Etsy store? To see them all on one page, go to the category: Lampwork Supplies
or just use this link.

I carry these shards that I blew myself. I really like them. They are so pretty.
I have two other types of shards. If you like shards like I do, you might like these.

I also carry mandrels.
They are cut and ground with my own hands. They are 316L stainless steel. I use them myself, and I can attest to their quality.

I carry the 1/16" mandrels.
I carry the 3/32" mandrels.
I also carry the 1/8" mandrels.
I am hoping to carry the pandora sized mandrels soon. I need to find a more efficient way to cut them. It takes a long time with a coping saw!

I also carry frit for lampworking.
For my non glass friends, frit is ground glass that you melt into your bead as you make it. I have some that are destash frits. I just have way too much! Or the most popular:
Chalcedony by Gaffer Glass.

Well thanks for looking at this ad. I hope you enjoyed my quick tour of my lampwork supplies. I hope to add more as the season continues.


  1. What talent you have. Does bead making take a lot of space?

  2. Those shards would be great for fusing! I took a fused glass class which was tons of fun but haven't had a chance to pursue it more since. Working with random pieces like this created a cool outcome!

  3. Those shards are gorgeous! I could make some seriously happy beads with those.

  4. Happy beads is the perfect description for those shards! I love that picture, Mrs. M!


Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!