
Thursday, April 8, 2010

An Extremely Talented Artist and One Funny Lady!

I am friends with Laurie Donnette on Facebook. This delightful lady is not only an extremely talented glass artist and tutorial writer, she is incredibly witty and friendly. She has a wonderful web site, too! There are free tutorials, a web store, photo gallery, instructions for mixing colors! Wow! And those are only a small part of her blog. Be sure to check that out!

Ever After Artistry
on Etsy is full of Laurie's tutorials.

I love this one! Laurie makes these Pixie Pots so much fun by adding little items to each pot! I have the tutorial, and I have to try that! I love vessels, and Laurie makes some beautiful ones!

Love frogs? Here's Laurie's Prince Charmer tutorial. They are so cute!
She's a good teacher, and her tutorials are very well written and photographed. Don't hesitate to purchase any of Laurie's tutorials. They are excellent!

Laurie is well known for her realistic and beautiful pansies. These are sensational! Her Etsy store has a tutorial on how to make these gorgeous flowers!

Now, a few comments from Laurie on Facebook.

Ok I gotta get to work before the caffeine wears off and I have no stringer control :)


3 cups of coffee and one orange hostess cupcake, (please keep all arms n legs inside this ride at all times)


Why do they ask me the same question everyday, "If we let you out, Will you play nice" ?


Does anyone know what disease 'cured ham' had?


Smile like you have a dirty little secret!

Well, I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Be sure to visit Laurie on Facebook or in her Etsy store. Her work and her tutorials are fantastic! You can tell, her sense of humor is, too!


  1. I think she's so funny too, and her work is lovely. thanks for posting about her, Mallory.

  2. She sure is a hoot! Her ramblings regularly brighten my day! 😊💗


Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!