
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I am so Incredibly Proud of My Children!

Normally, I restrict the amount of personal information I give out on this blog. I will, on occasion, mention my children. I also intend to keep this blog as upbeat as I can. However, today, I am going to reveal a bit more than I normally would about my life and the life of my children, Jenny and Nick. They are both so incredibly AMAZING! I am so proud of both of them!

Last week, I received a call from my daughter that she was in the ER and that she was being admitted to the hospital because she had a broken rib. (When she was home for the 4th of July, she had slipped on the stairs and fallen very hard.) She also told me that two masses had been found in her body and that they were most likely, cancer. The next morning, I drove frantically up to the hospital to join her. When her oncologist/hematologist came in, he talked to her about having myeloma. The always say "suspected," but I think they are very sure. Jenny is very young for this disease. It is also a cancer of exposure. It is also the same type of cancer that took my husband's life 6 years ago.

The walk through this fire was terrible, but I am so proud of both of my children! While Nick and I were flat on our backs emotionally, Jenny was the strong one. She kept us going. I think that both Nick and I have managed to stand up again, and now, we are both ready for Jenny to lean on us when she has to do so.

Now, this blog will not become a cancer blog. Yes, there will be a few updates on Jenny and her progress. We are still hoping that this is just a glitch in the road for her rather than a journey. We will know more this week. I can only pray the news is good. I can also only ask that you join us in prayer for her complete recovery.

No matter what, I could not be more proud of my children than I am at this moment! Thank you, God, for giving me the perfect set of kids!


  1. Mallory, you are in our hearts and minds and we are praying for good news for your family. You have clearly raised some wonderful kids! Please know that there are many, many loving hearts and strong shoulders out there ready to help you, should you need it. Love and hugs to you all!

  2. Bless you Mallory... my prayers are with you my dear.

  3. Mallory,
    You are an amazing mother and artist! Thank you for sharing this with us. Please know that all of us are praying for you, Nick, and Jenny. Sending lots of positive energy your way!

    In Beads and Love,
    Suzann Sladcik Wilson

  4. You have raised such strong kids. I think their strength and love are a big testament to you. My prayers are with you all!

  5. Thank you so much for your strength, your shoulders, your hearts, your love! We will need them all. Thank you!

  6. hearts are with you Mallory ..

    overwhelming news ..
    all out love
    mona & the girls

  7. I'll be thinking of you and your family. Thank goodness you have each other to lean on and draw strength from right now. Stay strong.

  8. I will continue to pray for your daughter and family mallory. You are one special lady and have touched the hearts of many. Your daughter is blessed to have a mum like you!

  9. Mallory, Positive thoughts and prayers are with Jenny, you, and Nick. We are all here for you and will do anything we can do to help. As a Mom, you ROCK! and I know this becasue I've seen you in action. We're keeping the faith. ((((Hugs))))

  10. Thoughts and prayers are with you Mallory. Know that you have a lot of additional support in your online community.

  11. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Healing and blessing going out to you.

  12. Mallory, I hardly no what to say other than count me among those praying it's a glitch as well. Praying for you and your family.

  13. Prayers and good energy coming your way!!! I hope the news will get better very soon. Big (((((((HUGS))))))) from over the sea!!!

  14. Mallory,
    You and your kids are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure your kids think you're a pretty amazing mom too! Thanks for sharing and may God bless all of you.

  15. Mallory, Sending more love, prayers and support to the three of you. Your children had wonderful role models and a house full of love as they were growing up. It's no wonder that they turned out to be such amazing adults.

  16. I believe the power of prayer is strengthened by numbers. I intend to give all my spiritual energy and intention in the prayers I say for Jenny and your family. Know that you are all in so many minds and hearts including my own. Sadly, cancer has touched my life through so many people. It's one reason I donate my time and money to research and support. I hope that Jenny's story does the same for other's who learn of her fight. Stay strong and don't be afraid to reach out whenever you need anything! Love & Hugs - Lisa

  17. Mallory,
    I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. Stay strong and positive. Lots of positive thoughts coming your way,
    Kiersten Kern

  18. You're constantly on my mind, Mallory... Jenny, too, of course. As much as this experience must shake you, I can't help but think what an amazing blessing it was that Jenny fell that day & needed to go to the ER... how much longer could these masses have gone undetected?? I pray that these amazing blessings continue... you have so many praying & sending positive energy your way... that's pretty powerful.

    Much love to you... ♥


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