
Sunday, September 26, 2010

She Lies

She lies. This beautiful animal lies. She claims she doesn't have gasssssss, much less smelly gasssssss, but she lies. Don't believe her. I hear a quick or not so quick, "Fssssssstttt."
Next I hear a sigh. She feels better.
Next, I leave the room. Just remember, she lies!


  1. I thought the Activia challenge rid her of the stinks!

  2. It did for a while, and now, they are back. She still gets the Activia everyday, too!

  3. Awwwwww! Leaving the room is the best way to deal with this! Hehe!

  4. Try a couple of drops of Beano to her food.. It does wonders for my friend's German Shepherd!


  5. Thanks, Darlene. I wasn't sure if you could use it on dogs or not. Last night and today, so far, no gasssssss. We'll see, but I think I'll pick some up!

  6. I spoke with my friend as a followup and she also said that Petsmart in the USA also has "beano" for dogs. It is a multiple enysyme treatment where Beano is targetted at carbohydrates for beans and legumes.
    Healthy Companion Gas-Aid
    Gas Be Gone by 21st Century
    Gas Busters Doggie-Bites by Veterinarian's Best (cookie form)
    Gas Relief & Digestive Aid Formula by Veterinarian's Best

    We live in Canada and they are not as available here.
    It is always good to check with your vet, but best of luck with your puppy... she looks like a real gem!


  7. Thank you, Darlene. I'll go out and look for it.


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