
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Weekly Photo Challenge - One

As you can tell,
this is my favorite photographic subject,
Miss Pixie Marie.
for whatever reason the
hit me, and I was sorting through papers.
I found Pixie's papers from her adoption.
I reread her history,
and I was absolutely stunned by what I read.
I don't know why I had forgotten this, but I did.
I knew that I was Pixie's 3rd home.
She started out in a home, after she was retired from racing,
with a mom and dad who worked a lot and with two small children.
I think there were some other small animals involved, too.   It's not that she was aggressive toward anyone in her "family," but she began to show signs of  anxiety.  She would rip her bedding and go potty on the floor.  Her biography said that her "family" tried to work with her, but they weren't successful, so Pixie was sent away to foster care.
All the anxious behaviors ceased immediately in the foster mom's care.
What I didn't realize is that Pixie had been with her "family" for two years!
In October, 
Pixie and I will mark our 2 year family anniversary.
I cannot imagine, even before our two year anniversary, sending her away. She's not a dangerous dog.
My heart would break!
I know that things get difficult with animals, at times, but I guess, rather than put her down, sending her away was a better option.
I don't know what her "family" felt, but all I can say is that I was given a gift beyond measure!
Pixie has brought me so much joy!
One day, while we were at the pet store,
Pixie saw a man in a suit come back to the section where we were.
She stopped.  She stared.  She started to walk up to him.
One of the clerks said, "It looks like she recognizes him."
He ignored her.
He turned around and walked away.
I still wonder if that was a member of her "family."
He didn't know the gift he had.
Pixie is 
one very special and amazing dog!
I have been amazingly blessed.


  1. Well i believe all things happen for a reason, and how sad for Miss Pixie that she kept being sent away, i mean our kidlets are not always the easiest to deal with but you never send them away our furry friends are just as much part of a family but anyway i think she was always meant to be with you so her journey along the way was just a few pit stops to get to her forever home Miss Pixie Marie is a real keeper what a cutie pie and she looks right at home ttfn L:)

  2. Aw... what a sweet post. I have had rescues and they are wonderful pets. So glad yours found you!

  3. That is ONE sweet doggie! Ours is at least the third house for our "new" dog, Dinkus. He is such a lover, it is hard to imagine someone sending him away.


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