
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday: Where are the Beads this week?

She started it!
 Heather Powers, of course!

So, since you are reading this tomorrow,
I am writing this yesterday,
I'll show you what my bead table looked like yesterday.
All right,
I know that this is a photo of 
Pixie Marie.
She was very tired when this photo was taken.  
Notice how her mouth is hanging open.
 This photo makes me smile.

Well, you ask, where are the beads?
This week there are no beads on my beading table.  I'm with Jenny this week.  She is going to have her stem cell transplant, but, before that can happen, she has to go through a range of tests.
This is why I am with her right now.
She will be admitted to the hospital for her transplant between the 25th and the 30th.  We just don't know when yet.
We will have a much better idea by the 25th.  That's when she meets with the transplant doctor.
Now, it's just a matter of waiting.
Pixie is stressed.
Kitties are the bosses here, and she is learning the rules.
They do tolerate each other well.  I only wish I could be a fly on the wall to see them in action when we are gone!
Now, for our family, it's just a waiting game.
We are waiting for each test to be completed and waiting for the results.
Wait!  Wait! Wait!
That's the hardest part.  I only wish we were past this stage.
Yet, there's nothing we can do.
The doctors are good.  The hospital is good.
The time will come soon enough.
For now, it's important to smile and to enjoy each day as we draw closer and closer to the transplant.
I'll keep you updated.
I've put my Etsy store in the vacation mode for now.
I hope to feature other artists and stores, but if I loose a day or two, well, that's just the way it will be.
Please keep us in your prayers.


  1. I wish you peace today in your waiting. Is Pixie a greyhound? I have two! And the cat definitely rules!

  2. I will be thinking of you and Jenny, Mallory. She is so strong, she'll do great. I'll watch for your update. And that pic of Pixie is so darn cute. :)

  3. Thinking about you both, Mallory, and visualizing a perfect outcome. Hugs to you!

  4. There will be a lot of waiting in the days, weeks, and months ahead, but your faith will see you and your family through this. Think of the celebration of life after the waiting is behind you. Sending thoughts of patience your way.

  5. Hi I came across your Blog thry Mary Lockwoods Blog as I have started Lampwork! Ive read about your Daughter here and will surely pray for her tonite. Blessings to you all and that lovely doggie what a precious picture!


Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!