
Friday, May 20, 2011

Three Beautiful Things This Week

Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Clare writes called Three Beautiful Things. Everyday, Clare writes about 3 Beautiful Things that happen each day in her life. It's a wonderful blog! I can only hope to imitate her in a very small way.

1) We are finally coming to a point where Jenny's stem cell process is underway.  The people whom we have met so far, have been very kind and supportive.  It will be a challenging road to travel, but with the support of these trained professionals and our friends, we will reach the end of the journey with a great deal of success for Jenny.  I am always amazed by the kindnesses of the people who are sent on our path.  I often wonder how many of these kind strangers were really angels in disguise.
2) Nick has called everyday to see how everything is going.  One of the practitioners commented that Jenny was so lucky to have a brother who really wanted to be a part of this transplant process and cared enough to call.  She said that doesn't always happen.

3) Pixie is adjusting better to life in St. Paul with the kitties.  Truly, the kitties rule here.  When Pixie and I are together, she is my Velcro dog.  She has also claimed the love seat as hers.  The kitties have not challenged her on that issue, yet. 


  1. Good Morning,

    Angels...they are so wonderful and they are truly everywhere!
    I hope you continue to find angels as you work this thru!
    take good care!

  2. Hey Mallory, you'll have to get us a few photos of Pixie and the kitten soon. I've got to see this one.


Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!