
Friday, May 27, 2011

Three Beautiful Things This Week

Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Clare writes called Three Beautiful Things. Everyday, Clare writes about 3 Beautiful Things that happen each day in her life. It's a wonderful blog! I can only hope to imitate her in a very small way.

1) After a week of tests and meetings with the transplant doctor, we found out that Jenny is in great health.  Her bones are strong.  If it weren't for the cancer, her health would be perfect!  The transplant is a go.  The doctor felt that this is the best time for it because of her excellent health.

2) Pixie was happy to come home.  AS soon as she walked in the door, she raced to her love seat and went to sleep.  Kitties boss her around so much, she's happy to have a little break.

3)  Today,  I painted the base of the mailbox.  It was rusting, and now, the white paint makes it look great!


  1. That is wonderful news... I love when you do this post... Glad you are home.
    Take care,

  2. Thanks, Lisa! However, it looks like I'm heading back up to Jenny's. Transplant was rescheduled for Tuesday again!


Hearing from you makes my day! Thanks for stopping by to say Hi!