
Monday, August 29, 2011

Sneak Preview - Bead Soup Blog Party!

Thanks to the generosity of my Bead Soup Blog Party, I was able to make 3 different pieces for this blog hop.
The pieces are completed now, but I won't be posting them until September 17.
The one thing I can do, is to give you a sneak preview.
I only took photos of one of the pieces.
I really think it's extraordinary.
What do you think?
Ooops!  Well, now you know I used copper wire in the piece.

I also made a cord for this piece using a lucet!
So, what do you think?
You just wait until September 17 to see the entire piece!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled programing!


  1. I was thinking of doing a teaser today also. Your cord looks great. Looking forward to the big reveal.

  2. Bead Soup away girl!! Great job

  3. Ha! You tease! I think I might have some copper in mine as well...but wait, my clasp is copper. Hmmm...
    And I love the cord. What is lucet?


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