
Friday, September 16, 2011

Another Beautiful Person in my Life or HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JENNY!

See that smile on her face?   Even though she has been through so much in the last year, that smile pops up in good, as well as, difficult and painful times for Jenny! 

Happy Birthday, my beautiful daughter!
You have brought so much joy to my life, and, for that, I can't thank you enough!

When I think of the first time I held you in my arms, bundling you tightly as we were taught to do, then seeing that familiar look of determination on your face as you struggled and succeeded in pulling your arms out of the tight blanket, I knew I was in for a ride as you grew.  What a ride it's been.

I thank you for being my daughter!
I thank you for being the strong, determined woman that you have repeatedly shown yourself to be this year!
I thank you for making me so proud of you!
I thank you for choosing me to be your mother!
Happy Birthday, Jenny!  I love you!
You are one of God's greatest gifts to me!  

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