
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Inspired by Marcy Lamberson - Again

After reading Marcy's blog post about her snow folk, 
I was inspired to begin making my own little army of snow people for Beads of Courage.
Oh, you can read Marcy's post HERE.
As you know,
Beads of Courage is about helping children cope with serious illnesses through the use of beads.
The Snow Folk will be made for children who must be in the hospital during the holidays.
I'm just beginning to develop a small army of snow people.
You will see in my army,
regular snow people,
special needs snow people,
snow people of different colors.
So, without further ado,
here is my mini army soon to be mailed off to Beads of Courage.

So, are you going to be making snow folk for Beads of Courage!
The will truly be appreciated if you do!
I'm off.  The torch and kiln await!

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