
Monday, November 21, 2011

10 Things I'll Bet You Didn't Know About Me, or did you?

Things you might not know about me:

1) I have never taken a formal art class except for my first year of college.  The class I took featured nude male models!  I loved that class!

2) I once wrote a romantic novel.  I thought it was great, but no one else did! 

3) I hate brussels sprouts!   Yuck!

4) I LOVE Coldstone Ice Cream!

5) My first car was a Metropolitan.  I loved it!  It’s too bad I forgot to put oil in it.  It was never the same after that!

6) I once owned a VolksWagon  Bug. When it rained, the windshield wipers refused to work.  When it was dry, they did!

7) I learned to read when I was 4.  An “older” neighbor girl who was 7, taught me to read. 

8) I tried to be a vegetarian for about an hour, once.  It didn’t work.

9) When I get really mad, I clean.  Luckily, I haven’t been that mad in a very long time!

10)  The first computer I ever saw was in a room bigger than most people’s houses.  The computer operators wore gowns, gloves, masks, head and foot coverings.  The computer spit out cards for them to read.  I never imagined owning one that would fit in my pocket and rings.

Now, it's your turn.  Tell me something I don't know about you!


  1. Ok, geeky I know, but I'm pretty impressed you got to see one of those "first" computers. I would have loved that. And I have to confess, I love brussel sprouts. Fixed some last night, in fact. :) And very cute pic, too!

  2. I too saw one of the first computers and then saw one of the first "home computers" it was a prototype. It was so cool.
    Have a great week

  3. I'm in awe with the first computer too - and reading at four! WOW. Let's thing you don't know about me. My father collected guns and I'm a crack shot with a rifle. Haven't shot it in like ten years but I used to be able to pick a freckle off a frog.

  4. If I had ever had the fortune to take a class like that #1, I think that I would have been an artist long before now! These are great at giving us a glimpse to you, Miss Mallory! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the day!

  5. That was fun - OK, I used to ride horses, and was a potter for many years - and I LOVE Brussels sprouts, especially with a lemon parmesan sauce on them.

  6. That was fun to read :D And as for things you don't know about me... I've been part of the Bead Soup Party twice, and I miss it! But I'm focusing on my writing now :) I've still got your blog in my reader and hope to be checking back in from time to time (I still love beads!). I used to be Rose Works Jewelry (don't worry if you don't remember me) - have a good day! :)

  7. That was fun to read :D And as for things you don't know about me... I've been part of the Bead Soup Party twice, and I miss it! But I'm focusing on my writing now :) I've still got your blog in my reader and hope to be checking back in from time to time (I still love beads!). I used to be Rose Works Jewelry (don't worry if you don't remember me) - have a good day! :)


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