
Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Heart Macro! First Beads

Whenever I see a preview of "Hoarders" or actually watch the show,
I clean.
The last cleaning session resulted in this find.
My first beads!
On the surface, some of them look good.
They are, however, first beads.
I had them in a bag marked "Rosaries."
I must have wanted to use them to make a rosary or two.
 These are true beginner beads.  Notice the pointy ends?
However, I did get the copper to streak in this bead!  That's good!

Looks like I made a drop bead, but I didn't clean the bead release!
More pointy ends, but I did clean the bead release on this one. 
I like the color combinations!

I like this one!  It's funky in shape!

The holes are so lopsided!  This reminds me of an alien!

Poorly shaped bead, but I do like the color!

Ooooooops!  Looks like the dot wasn't big enough!

Well, what can I say?  It was a first bead!

I heart Macro!


  1. Great shots. That is funny about you cleaning after watching hoarders. Love your first beads.

  2. I have mine too! I keep them on a strand near to where I work.

  3. I love seeing these early attempts at beads. They are all lovely! They each showed you something new to do and helped you become the bead artist you are today. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the day.

  4. I watch that show all the time! And yay for first beads! Never throw them away. I have a jar of my firsts.

  5. First beads, but that only gives them character! Save them forever! And yes, Hoarders is rather scary. (smile) Enjoy the week!

  6. I love your first beads! They have character and I think you should save them forever! And yes, Hoarders is rather scary! (smile) Enjoy your week!

  7. I was about to comment, but realize I'm repeating what everyone else just said! I love your first beads. Each has a special character and quality that makes it worth keeping and remembering. So forget "Hoarders" and hang on to these treasures! :-)

  8. Beautiful beads. I think, if I had to choose, the 3rd one down from the top is my favorite.

    MY MACRO LINK Drop by and see if you can find something seasonal hidden in the images. Just for fun.

  9. How cool for you to find these. I love reminders like this. Great shots, too!!


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