
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Same Bed. Same dog. Different Socks!

Well, the enemy finally has a name.  I'm on the second day of my 4th week of being sick, I now know.  I have pneumonia. 

1) It was lucky I needed to get a refill at the doctor that day.

2) It was lucky that the receptionist said I looked terrible and that she'd work me in with the doctor if I liked.

3) It was lucky that the doctor was there that day.

6) I'm lucky there were cancellations since it usually takes 4-6 weeks to get into him.  

5) It was lucky he decided to test for pneumonia.

6) I'm very lucky he caught it.

So, it's like this.  Same bed.  Same dog.  Different socks.  New medication.  I hope this works!!!  I am lucky.


  1. Hey there! Looks like Mallory's legs to me...LOL. Sorry to hear about the pneumonia. How awful but it's good it was caught. Get the pneumonia immunization after this. (((Hugs))

  2. Glad you were there and the doc realized it! Get better soon. Healing thoughts your way.

  3. Get well soon, you are very lucky!


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