
Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Great Chile Cookoff Recipe

At last,
the Great Chile Cook Off has come to the church I attend.
It's tonight.
I entered.
Since we have to provide a recipe, 
I'm giving you a sneak peek!
It's quick and easy to make,
absolutely delicious!!!
Are You Ready?
Here Goes!

Mountain Man Gluten Free Chile

Here's what you need and what you do with it!

2 pounds of hamburger meat.
Brown this.
Garlic and a small onion.
I used about 5-6 cloves.  Since I love garlic, I would have used the entire head, but this is a cook off and other people might not like garlic like I do.
Peel and chop the onion.

Two large cans of PINTO Beans.
kidney beans!
Kidney beans are God's mistake.
He forgot he had already invented the pinto bean.

Two packets of chile seasoning.
I like to use one HOT and one mild.

Two cans of chopped tomatoes.  I used the ones that have garlic in them.

I used 6 small ones that I had precooked in the microwave.

Before you add the salt to taste, be sure to add the small package of frozen corn that I forgot to photograph.
Add salt to taste.

Take your browned hamburger and drain it well.

I put mine in a colander and let it drain until it was finished, then I pushed on it with a paper towel to get out as much fat as I could.

Put it all in your biggest crockpot.  This recipe makes a lot!

I programed my crock pot for 8 hours.  
I put the chile in the crock pot over night.
I took it out this morning and cooked it.
I have to have it and the recipe at the church by 5:15 PM.
Wish me luck!


  1. Mmm sounds good. I have never had potatoes in chile before. Best wishes at the cook off.

  2. Wow! That looks good. I am so chili challenged, I'm going to have to try your recipe. Thank you for sharing it. Good Luck at the cook-off!


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