
Saturday, April 21, 2012

I Love to see What Someone Does with my Beads!

If you remember, I have mentioned my dear friend, Paula, in my blog before.  Paula called me up the other day to ask if I had any more key beads for sale.  I took a look around.   She said she needed 9 of them.  I found a few more than 9, so she was able to choose the ones she wanted.

Why?  Well, Paula belongs to a book club at her church, and they were reading this book --------------------->
Sarah's Key.  She wanted to make a book mark for each person in her group from the key beads.  And she did!
Aren't they cute?

Even more meaningful, her daughter, Sara, gave me the keys for the key beads.   I think we came full circle on this one! 


  1. Mallory, That story reaffirms the notion that nothing happens by chance/accident. What a lovely gift, made more lovely by all of the connections.

  2. You're right, Maggie! I don't believe in many accidents either!

  3. I love it Mallory! I definitely think the circle is complete in this case. How wonderful.


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