
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Playing With Picassa and Pixie Cuteness Month

If you're looking for an easy photo editing program,
check out
I've used it for years.
Recently, there was an update to the program which provides some very interesting effects for use on your photos.
Since I declared April to be Pixie cuteness month on Facebook, I am taking a lot of photos of my favorite model.
Last night, I had fun using Picasa to edit some of the photos.
Have a look!
 I used this photo and made the changes.

Here's Pixie with a border added.

Pixie with Museum Matte.

Pixie with Heat Map!

Pixie with the Neon Effect.

Pixie with Posterize.

Pixie with saturation.

Pixie with a polaroid frame. 


Last but not least...

Pixie Speaks!

Now wasn't that fun?
Which photo do you think I should use on Face Book today?

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