
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An Attitude of Gratitude!

It doesn't have to be Thanksgiving to practice this.
Thanksgiving can be practiced any time, any where,
time and time again.

I like to do this exercise, randomly, without thinking.  You might find it useful, too.

Without taking the time to think,
write down 5 -10 things for which you are grateful.
Don't stop.
Just write.

I am grateful for:
my children
my home
my roses
my dog
my friends
my family
my support system
good doctors
good food
lampwork beads
 This exercise took me less than one minute to complete.
I'm also grateful for that!


  1. I used to keep a daily gratitude journal for over a year. Five things a day. Some days were hard to come up with five, some were overflowing. It really helped keep things in perspective and maybe I should start one again. Coincidently, the last couple of days I've been thinking of taking this gratitude class:

  2. Maggie, thanks for the link. I just signed up for this class! It looks wonderful!!!!

  3. I just signed up for it too. I love how gratitude beads are part of it and thinking we can use our beads for them.


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