
Monday, June 18, 2012

The Classes - Part 1 - Christie Friesen and Polymer Clay

This was the first class that I have taken from Christie Friesen,
Not only is Christie an amazing artist in clay,
she is FUN!
I learned a lot from her.  She let me make many pieces in her class.
Then, she taught us how to use certain chemicals and make polymer clay look like metals.
I hate the word chemical, but it's the only one I can think of to describe liquid metals, patinas and dyes.
Here's what came out of my class!

I need to listen more carefully to directions.  
I thought we were adding more items to the heart after baking.
The green urchin was an experiment using a mold.
It will get better as we go!

I decided that I like the heart the was it was and didn't add metals to it.
The cat is a "lump" cat from one of Christie's books!
More cats will find their way into my Etsy store once I make some eyes.

Octopus on a raft
That was fun!
This was all play!
Thank you, Christie, for showing me how to make this octopus!

Now, on to the metals!

I'm not happy with this, but the great thing is, that as soon as my kit arrives, I can work on it again and improve the look. 
It will be much better later, I promise.

Believe it or not, this urchin started out green.  I added bronze and copper metals.
I added a verdigris patina.
It was then topped off with brass!
Cool, isn't it!

I love this!
The mold is perfect!
The polymer clay looks like a piece of metal that has sat out in the rain and snow for many years!
This is my favorite.
I plan to make more!

Stay tuned!
Another class will follow this blog tomorrow.
if you ever have an opportunity to take a class from Christie,
I urge you to do it!
It's a class you will never regret!


  1. The urchin and the lock are so cool! And the green bead in the first pic somehow appeals to me.

  2. Those were so much fun and I loved seeing them in person. Trust me everyone - Mallory is a good photographer but these photos don't begin to show how cool those pieces are.

  3. Mallory, What fun! Your favorite piece is my favorite too.

  4. Wow! I love the urchin and the keyhole!!


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