
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Leo's WoodShop on Etsy

I know Leo of Leo's Wood Shop personally.  We attend the same church and have many spirited discussions on our faith.  Leo is a very busy man.  He's always doing something or making something.  He's a woodworker among many other artisan crafts. 

What I didn't know about Leo is that he has an Etsy Shop.  I found this out today. 

Do you see that birch long advent wreath?  He has that in his Etsy store.  Click HERE to find it.  I have one just like this that I brought out today to prepare for Advent.  You don't have to celebrate Advent to purchase one of these wreaths!

Leo's woodworking is very environmentally friendly.   Leo does not cut down live trees to make these candle holders.  You can also leave his wreaths out all year.  The look great!

I love mine, and during the holiday season, I receive many compliments.  

There are other styles available, too.  Follow the links that I have posted, and you can see all of these amazing works of art.  Leo is a master woodworker, and, even if we have spirited discussions, he's a great guy, too.

Visit his store, quickly, before the wreaths sell out!  You will enjoy your purchase!  


  1. These are very unique, Mallory... I love the cedar slices, too :)

  2. I just had a look at his Etsy shop and I gotta say I love the woodwork. Beautiful pieces!


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