
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The House that Christmas Built...

 Christmas parties.  They are fun!  The party I attended last night is party that is CHRISTMAS!  The decorations start to come out in October, except for the basement, which is left out all year.  This year she moved everything around! 

This party provides visual stimulation to the eye.  This bedroom is a bedroom of trees.  This photo was taken after I stepped into the room.  It's full of trees!

 Turn right in the bedroom, and this is what you see!
More trees!!!!

The main Christmas tree in the room!  Isn't it beautiful?

The light wasn't the best, but this bathroom is not usable.  It's full of Santa's!

Santas to the left of me....

Santas further to the left of me!

Santas to the right of me! 

And that's only two rooms in the house that Christmas built!

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