
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

That Little Stinker Fred

Fred is the new "Grandcat" in our family.
Jenny adopted him because the other little stinker
kept waking her up every night to play.
Marvin was not satisfied with Jenny getting up and resting on the couch.
Marvin made it very clear to Jenny that she must engage with him in play.

She was exhausted and knew it was time to find Marvin a new brother.

She found Fred at a cat rescue.
He's a big kitty.
He has been in foster care twice since he was rescued.
He was found last spring after surviving a Minnesota winter on the streets.
He had frostbite.
He's tough, but he's a survivor.
The rescue group said that he didn't so well with big dogs.
Pixie, at 70 pounds, is a BIG dog.
Fred is 13 pounds.
He does not like Pixie.

When Jenny brought Fred home for the first time,
Fred inspected, and, I think, approved the house, then

When Fred is here,
Pixie is not allowed to go up or down the stairs without his approval or the humans protection.
He has yet to give his approval, so, Pixie's humans must provide her with protection.
She is genuinely afraid of him.
Marvin could care less, but Pixie cannot go up or down the stairs.

Yes, it's exactly like that video.
Take a look!
That little stinker, Fred!


  1. Ah, poor Pixie :( I guess they should have said big dogs don't do well with Fred LOL

  2. Ha! Ha! Monique! That is a great way to look at it!

  3. LOL - Cats rule - what can you do!


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