
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Random Thoughts at the End of Summer

The days are growing shorter.
Yes, I know, no matter what, there are still 24 hours in everyday, but
the amount of light each day is getting to be less and less.
This won't change until December when day light will begin to lengthen again. 
The good thing is that soon, the leaves will be changing colors and dropping from the trees.
Here in Minnesota,
we are about 1 month away from the average first frost.
It might be sooner, but it's coming.
Summer is almost over.

Life is going from the slow moving, long days of summer to the short, cold, gray days of winter.
At this moment, I'm not sure which I prefer.
It's too hot or too cold.
The weather is rarely perfect.
It is what it is.

I'm thrilled to see my garden matured.
There are small pumpkins and teeny tiny melons on the vine.
I'm not sure that they will mature in enough time for us to taste their fruits.
With any luck, one or two of these fruits will mature,
and we will enjoy their taste.

The tree frogs are making a lot of noise at night.
They make so much noise that I want to throw something at them to make them shut up.
The males are calling their mates, frantically.
They must know that the first frost is near.
It's just that they are so noisy.
If they chirped quietly, I would be fine with that.
Now, the noise is too loud for my tastes, 
but, if I were a tree frog, I think I'd be able to pick my mate, quite easily.

Soon, the transition will begin from sandals to shoes and socks.
I'll pull the jeans out of the closet to see how much the hangars have caused them to shrink.
This fall, something new will happen.
I am scheduled for a knee replacement in September.
That will be interesting.
Things change.
I know I have.
Now, I have another summer under my belt.
Life goes on.
I've lived as fully as I can.
I'm grateful that I am healthy, not pain free, but I am healthy.

The transition will be quiet.
Summer will melt into fall which will melt into winter which will melt into spring.
Life finds a way.
Life goes on.
Seasons come and seasons go.
We were made to change.

How have you changed this summer?
Are you anxious for fall?
Are you ready for winter?
I'd love to hear what you think.

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