
Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Q. Why do you have a rose in your refrigerator?
A. Because I can


  1. It's a lovely pink, Mallory. Let's see, is it your turn for the weekly challenge? Why not choose "something in your refrigerator right now" as the theme, LOL? That might not be too fair to Deb, though, unless she keeps pretty pink flowers in the fridge, too :)

  2. Ang, it's Deb's turn this week. We are making totems, but I am stealing your idea for my next challenge!

  3. ROFL mallory "because I can" is my most favorite reason, justification or plain old answer!!!

    Be very care about what you choose missy - I have been known to keep chocolate in very rude shapes in my refrigerator....
    amongst other things that aren't normally associated with being kept in that place!

  4. Oh, Deb, you must wait, just wait.


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