
Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Amazing Walk - Different this year, but just as amazing!

The Amazing Walk this year began behind the cross.
Although there was no Passion Play to accompany us this year,
we were still able to celebrate the last hours of Jesus' life through prayer and song.
We began our walk with the First Station of the Cross in front of the church.
We prayed, then we walked the way of Jesus through town.
There were us, the oldies but goodies, there were the young children, there were the seminarians, there were the priests and other adults walking together in the mist.
One young mother even brought her two year old son and her 3 month old daughter!
This was an amazing walk of young and old alike!
We walked past historical buildings in town.
As we walked, we found the mist even stopped.
It was cold and windy, but there was no rain falling on us.
Do you see that church in the distance?  We were going to be on the other side of the river from that church.
It was a long walk.
We stopped and prayed in front of historical buildings.
We knelt on the wet pavement as we celebrated Our Lord's greatest gift to us.
We followed the cross singing hymns and praying the rosary.
Of course there was smiling and fun as we walked!
Joy was in the air.
When we stopped at the 3rd church on our route, the sun even tried to shine a bit, but it just wasn't successful!
We stopped and prayed by the side of the highway.
We sang as we crossed the river.
We prayed where ever we stopped our walk remembering that this was the day Jesus took his walk in the Holy City to give His Life for us.
People greeted us as we walked.  We assured them that we would pray for them during our journey.
We finished our Stations of the Cross at our visit to the last Catholic Church in the city.
The walk had been cold.
We were lucky it wasn't wet, except a bit in the beginning.
My knees did not hurt.
God is good.
Now, I'm so tired, I am wondering if I will be able to stay awake for Mass tonight.
I am a lector at Mass, so I have to be there.
However, I'm not going to worry.
I will be there.
The walk was hard, but the graces flowed down from heaven on us.
The Amazing Walk helped us to feel what Jesus felt in walking His Way of the Cross.
Tomorrow is Easter.
What a celebration it will be this year!


  1. What a wonderful way to remember Jesus' love and gift to us! Thank you for sharing!

    Happy Easter

  2. The walk was hard, but imagine how much harder Jesus' walk was. What a wonderful remembrance of such an important event. Your city looks beautiful, even in the mist.

  3. Kym, you are most welcome!
    Maggie, you are so right!


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