
Monday, September 19, 2011

Lentils I have Known and Ten Cent Shipping for the Holidays!

I have some beautiful lentil beads in my Etsy store.
These focals would look great wire wrapped as pendants.

I love working with bright colors of glass!
I hope to add more lentils within a couple of weeks!
At least, that's my goal.
In the meantime,
I'm offering, on a temporary basis,
10 cent first class shipping in the United States
50 cents first class shipping to Canada!
This offer will continue through the holidays,
unless otherwise noted,
will end on December 31, 2011.
how can you go wrong?
Enjoy what's there!
Thanks for looking!

If you would like to see my entry for the Bead Soup Blog Hop,
be sure to click