
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On being sick and popcorn for breakfast

This is not fun, being sick, that is. It's not life threatening, I know that, but when you feel as if your head will implode, yet, the animals don't care and hog the bed, and knowing that I have to take Pixie out for her morning walk on icy sidewalks, risking life and limb, well, this just doesn't make for the start of a great day.

So, walk is completed with no falls or broken bones. Yahoo~~ The fresh air cleared my head a bit so it no longer feels like an implosion is near. Yes, Pixie is still hogging the bed. Walter has gone back to Jenny's bed so I have a bit of room. I'm hungry now, but there's not much to eat. Clearly we need to go to the store, but I think I'd rather starve than go out again.

I tried to open the pumpkin seeds, but that takes more strength than I have right now. The Monster Mix is almost gone. I glaze through Jenny's cabinets in search of food. The popcorn catches my eye. There is also one Diet Coke left. Food! Wonderful comfort food!

When my children were small, would I have allowed them to have popcorn and Diet Coke for breakfast? Absolutely not! But now I'm older, and I don't care if they do. This is good stuff when you're hungry. It's full of chemicals and such, but for now, I don't care. It tastes good.

I eat and wait for Walter, Jenny's cat, to come and beg for some popcorn. It's one of his favorite treats. He also likes to steal my diet coke when he can. Pixie is growling in her sleep. She only likes popcorn if it has butter on it. No problems with her. I guess I have enough food in me to take my medications. Then it's back to bed for a nap.


  1. Get better dear Miss Mallory! Keep on feeding your body and your soul. Enjoy the day.

  2. Well, I'm not surprised that after all of the stress now you've caught something too! As for popcorn - it is my "go to" food any time of day or night. Snuggle with Miss Pixie and hunker down after a trip to the store tomorrow.


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