
Monday, July 16, 2012

Meet My Guest Blogger! Hannah, Part 1.

Some of you might know her as
She's a BOC kid and she's an amazing teen!
Before I forget, here's a link to her blog.
to visit Hannah's blog.
Now, let's get started!
Questions!  Questions!  Questions!!

1) Hannah, tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am a 16 year old Minnesotan that loves cats, unicorns and everything pink!  I live with my mom, dad and 12 year old sister in Roseville Minnesota.  Our family loves animals and we have a lot of pets, we have a family dog named turbo, liz has her 3 guiny pigs, a bunny and hre fat cat MeMe, I have the love of my life arnie and as a family we keep honey bees.

I am a beads of courage member currently fighting chronic bad luck.  I have epilepsy, a nerve disorder, GI issues, breathing issues, I had a tumor in my lefg, jaw issues, poor fine motor skills, and cysts in various places.  This past week doctors have run a battery of tests for a nerumuscular disorder that have come back "inconclusive". 

I am looking forward to a very exsiteing summer, full of trips!  I am headed to London to visit family and friends and to see the olymipics!!!!

2) How did you find out about Beads of Courage?

One of my PT buddies got them wile going through cancer treatment and always had them with him! (he has now earned his purple heart and is doing well :)    when I asked the child life department, they said it was only for oncology kids.  I looked into it futher and found that they have other programs and I now order what beads ive earaned every month and they come in the mail.

3) Do you have a lot of beads?

I do!!!! I have 2,321 beads!!!!  They all are very special to me!
*update, I now have over 2400!

4) How do you deal with chronic illness?

With humor, family, faith and music.
-At the doctor office last week, when getting test results I broke out singing
"doctor, doctor, give me the news"  daad broke out laughfing and the doctor did nothing!!!!  It was amazing!
-I have a very close knit family we have gone through this journey hand in hand.
-I LOVE my youth group and am looking forward to the ELCA youth gathering in New Orleans this summer
-if you walk into a lab and hear someone singing, I can almost arinty its me!  I sing through uncomfortable procedures (mostly needles).  Singing calms me down and distracts me.  I also play the tuba (my body hates me for it, but I love it!!!)  I play with my school band, Minnesota youth symphonies and the dobins dale city marching band.  My hope is to one day play in a tradtional ragtime jaz band (like tuba skinny, my favorite band :)

5) Is each bead special to you?

Every bead is special to me.  I love them all, it puts beautie were pain usualy is.  It's a way to communicate with others what I've gone through.  When I have to get one bead of a kind ive already earned I know I can do it again.  If I have to get a new kind of bead its something to look forward to.


  1. Hannah is a wonderful inspiration and reminds ALL of us, regardless of circumstances, to see the beauty. I'm betting her bead collection continues to grow! I have heard of Beads of Courage, but it is great to meet such a colourful and expressive ambassador!

  2. Nice post... Reminds us to always be grateful... Thanks to share...! :)


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