
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

This is it...My Great Stress Reliever!

I know it's different strokes for different folks,
and this is one of mine!
Making handmade lampwork glass murrini!
It's a work of love for me.
I don't really need the stress relief now,
but it sure felt good to make these
silvered ivory murrini today!
It felt really good.
I am going to be making more murrini very soon.
Stay tuned. 
You will see me in a zen state!


  1. Looks good Mallory! I know what you mean - I love making Murrini and find it very relaxing. Some day if you really want a master's class in making murrini take a class with Loren Stump. Whoa!

  2. Making murrini kind of stresses me out so it's good some people enjoy it.


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