
Friday, August 24, 2012

Three Beautiful Things This Week

Three Beautiful Things This Week was inspired by a wonderful blog that Clare writes called Three Beautiful Things. Everyday, Clare writes about 3 Beautiful Things that happen each day in her life. It's a wonderful blog! I can only hope to imitate her in a very small way.

1) Friends and food are always a great combination!  It's so nice to get together and eat.  Conversation is great!  All and all,  fun!

2)  I love it when Pixie cuddles.  She's been a real cuddler this week!  She seems to look for a reason for cuddling.  Oh, well, my legs are asleep, but that's okay because she's cuddling.

3) Helped pick out the new sound system for church.  It's going to be great!  The great thing is that so many people chose to come and help.  It was awesome!

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