
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

31 Days Writing Challenge

I learned about the 31 Days Writing Challenge from my friend, Lori Anderson's blog, "Pretty Things."  The most challenging part of this blog will be to focus on only one topic for the entire month.  The topics from which you can choose are broad enough to encompass many different things.  The challenge will be to write every day and post everyday. 

The topic I've chosen is:: Too Awesome to Categorize!  Think that will be fun  and make me think about all the things I encounter that really are Too Awesome!  I'm looking forward to this challenge. 

It's not to late to join.  If you click


You'll go to the homepage of the writing challenge.  Next step is to pick a topic.  Next step, sign up!  Then get ready for the fun!  There's a link up for each topic.  It's easy.  It's fun.  I think you'll enjoy.  I hope to see you there.

Here are is the list of topics from which you can choose::

House and Home
Simplicity and Organizing
Family Life
Inspiration and Faith
Writing and Blogging and Internet Stuff
Fashion and Beauty
Food Health and Wellness
Personal Endeavors
Too Awesome to Classify

Hope to see you there!

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