
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Worth Repeating: Spike is by his tree

My dog, Spike, is 11 years old now. His birthday was May 25th. When he turned 11 I felt that he needed a special present, so I bought him a laptop computer. Since he doesn't have thumbs, I am the one who has to use his gift. I use it everywhere. I even take it outside with us when Spike is "by his tree." This seems to be his favorite place to be. When we return from our daily walks, Spike will literally lay down on the ground so that he doesn't have to come in the house, even on cold, wet rainy days. Now, never mind that he has a backyard where he can run without a leash. That doesn't seem to matter. For him, the best time of his day comes when he is by his tree. He loves the area! I don't know why. He will, literally, lay by his tree for hours, which means that when he is out by his tree, I am outside, too. That's when I use his laptop. Today, it's very warm and becoming very humid. As a senior citizen now, Spike loves the warmth more than he did before. Walking in the heat is challenging, so we are up early in the morning to go for his w-a-l-k. Since I torch early, to avoid the heat, Spike has to wait, most reluctantly, to go by his tree. His tree it is. When I take my chair over near his tree, Spike becomes annoying and whines--until I move my chair out of his space. So, I sit in the garage now, out of the heat of the sun, but not under the shade of his tree, writing this blog, so that you will know how much Spike loves his tree!


  1. Spike is very fortunate to have such a caring mama!

  2. Mary, thanks for commenting. There are those dogs who stay with us forever, and Spike was my dog who did that. He was with me through some of the most difficult times in my life. I had to put him down almost 7 years ago, and, I still haven't washed the window where he barked at people passing by. He's buried under his tree. There was something so special about him for me. He was my dog, plain and simple. Even though I have a beautiful 11 year old greyhound now, and I love her dearly, she's not Spike. He was one in a billion.


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