
Monday, August 1, 2016

A Morning for Journaling

I'm one of these people, 
and we are few and far between,
who do not want to live on a lake in
Our  state is known for its 
10,000 plus lakes.
I prefer the life of the city,
the quirky life that one can only find there.
I like the life of the 'burbs, too,
but the city is where I love.
Many times, as you walk in the parks and roads,
you will see Iphones, Ipads, and pens and books being used to record the day, the hour, the minute, the flying thought
that we all have, 
not necessarily want to share with the world, but just something to remember for us.
There is comfort in isolation for me.
There is comfort in knowing that I can be alone, and still record my life and thoughts without sharing in a 
Don't get me wrong.
I believe in community, but most of the time I prefer isolation.
Journaling helps me to preserve my isolation.[
No one is allowed to enter this world with me.
I use my phone to record the world in pictures.
I actually use Facebook, one of the biggest, most outrageous communities in the history of mankind to record my world,
but that world is the world I let people see.
In my journals, I record that which is most meaningful to me.
I record that which no one else knows or cares to know.
I record that which is most precious to me.
I record that which no one can see but me.
I have thrown away most of my earlier journals.
There were good reasons for that.
There was a great deal of pain, abandonment and rejection recorded, 
it was not something for others to see.
My journals, back then, were a means of release for me
a means of realizing I wasn't wrong, no matter how many times I was told I was wrong.
Those journals saved my soul.
Now, I look at journaling in a different way.
They are a form of fun, even though I might rant, they make me feel good.
They entertain.
Some of these journals, I might leave to posterity, in case anyone wants to know how I felt or thought or acted
most importantly,
We live in tumoultous times.  
There's a lot to be remembered now.
There are a lot of questions that we need to answer.
Look in my journals.
You'll see how I felt and why.
Now, it's time to return to them.  
You know how I use my journals.
How do you use yours.

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