
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ornament Swap/Blog Hop

proposed the idea of an ornament swap on her blog,
I was ready and willing,
it has been fun!
My partner was Holly Westfall.
Here's what I received.
When I opened the envelope, this is what a saw!
Isn't it great so far?
There's more!
Inside the tin was a beautiful red bag!
How did she know, red is one of my 10,000 favorite colors.
I took a peek inside the bag.
More wrapping!
The excitement is mounting!

At last, and isn't it beautiful!  It was worth the wait!
And here, my beautiful, new ornament hangs on the tree!
It is beautiful!

Now, here is the list of other participants.
Be sure to check out their blogs and see what they received in this swap!

Thank you, Sally!  I enjoyed this swap!


  1. Mallory, I saw the sweet ornament you sent to Holly. It's just darling. Now wonder her family was so excited when she opened the package!

  2. what a stunning ornament you've received, it looks wonderful on your tree....
    and love the fun little snowman you made for Holly...
    have a great Holiday

  3. No pictures of your lamp work snowman? He was adorable! Doesn't Holly's snowbird really capture the season? And those Sue beds? Gorgeous!
    Nice to meet you!
    Happy Holidays!

  4. So pretty!!! Loves this and you tiny snowman! What a sweet fellow!

  5. Holly's ornament is just so beautiful! I love the crisp clear and white. Very much a winter feel. Your snowman is fantastic! He is so jolly and looks like candy! This was such a fun Hop!

  6. Mallory, I popped over to Holly's post and I have got to say that the snowman ornament you sent her is the cutest!!! The little snowmen(I love his little scarf) and the little dangles of vibrant beads and crystals are perfect!! What a frosty and fun design!!

    I want to THANK YOU for participating in the swap/hop!! I hope you has as much fun as I did!
    Have a very Happy Holiday, Mallory!!!

  7. Mallory, Love what you received and gave. Had fun looking through all of the ornaments for this wonderful swap. Next year I need to ask you for a list of what you are participating in so I can join in the fun!

  8. You two both created such wonderful ornaments! I love them both :) The snowman you created is just so sweet!

  9. Beautiful ornament - and she did such a lovely job wrapping it too :)

  10. Both ornaments are wonderful!
    The ornament you created is so festive and fun! The snowman is really amazing!

    Holly's ornament is really beautiful. The dove she created is so sweet.

  11. Oh, the wrappings are so very awesome. I fear that I feel short with the trimmings on my package, and I love wrapping presents! I love the sweet little birdie. I would leave it out all year long to keep the memory of these special friendships!
    Merry Christmas!
    Enjoy the day!

  12. Mallory, I love the white dove ornament that Holly created for you it is so pretty hanging on your tree, but it is also and ornament that could hang in a window all year round.
    Merry Christmas,

  13. How lucky you are to have been paired up with Holly! The ornament she sent you really is beautiful. And the snowman ornament you sent her. . .WOW! You really possess a ton of talent to add so many details to such a small piece. Well done!

  14. Beautiful ornament, saw your cute snoman-fantastic. Have a great holiday!

  15. Hi Mallory!! Oh, goodness, I'm so glad you liked the ornament and the packaging too! :) Your sweet little snowman has gotten complimented each time a visitor has seen him - and my almost 6-year old loves him, and always asks to see "Frosty"...who's higher up on the tree because I'm worried the 3 year old will knock him down ;) Enjoy your day!!

  16. It is very beautiful! And the snowman you sent to her is so much fun and adorable!


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