Monday, November 18, 2013

What I learned from My Hiatus from Melting Glass

It's been a long time since I have been able to go down to the studio and melt glass.  I stopped because I was empty and had no joy when making beads.  When I went down to melt glass yesterday, there was dust on my torch!  As you can see from the photo, my desk is a mess!  I didn't even stop to dust or clean up the mess.  I just started to melt glass!  It felt good!  So, here's what I learned from my first torch session in months!

1) I love to melt glass!
2) Glass flows and with it flows creativity.
3) Beads are an art form unto themselves.
4) Beads of Courage can always use beads, even if they are a bit wonky! 
5)  Melting glass feels great!
6) Glass is an obsession unto itself!
7) If I had more room, I'd buy more glass.
8) Even a lava light cannot make me feel as good as when I melt glass.
9) The Beads of Courage kids like beads!
10) I missed melting glass!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its great to see, you are back at the torch :-) Hugs, Doris